
Enterprise Data Management

Enterprise data management (EDM) is an organization's ability to effectively create, integrate, disseminate and manage data for all enterprise applications, processes and entities requiring timely and accurate data delivery. EDM is a comprehensive approach to defining, governing, securing, and maintaining the quality of all data involved in the business processes of an organization.


Data Analysis & Visualization

Get instant clarity to improve your business with stunningly visual analysis and self-service discovery.people can explore more data and gain new insights faster. Any data—anytime, anywhere. Data visualization describes the presentation of abstract information in graphical form. Data visualization allows us to spot patterns, trends, and correlations that otherwise might go unnoticed in traditional reports, tables, or spreadsheets


Big Data & Analytics

Info Tree Solutions simplifies big data. Our big data solutions enable you to manage both traditional and new data sets on a single cloud platform. High performance in-database data-mining algorithms and statistical functions are accessible from SQL and R. Integration with open-source R adds the ability for users to write R scripts and use R packages while leveraging the strengths of the database.