InfoTree Solutions has the ability to recruit, identify, house and manage talent in many countries around the world. Our offshore offerings span across the IT delivery pillars from large contact centers to complex application delivery teams. We approach each client situation in a pragmatic method to ensure that maximum performance and value are delivered every time.

Requirements Definition:

We need to understand the business drivers and expected results to confirm that all parties are on the same page. We need to understand the users of the service and what their experience needs to be. This enables us to enter the assessment phase with all critical elements explicitly understood and documented.

Delivery Assessment:

Partnering with our clients, we explore the numerous offshore options that best suit their requirements. We examine this not only from a cost perspective, but also heavily focused on delivery capabilities and user experiences in the potential target locations.

Model Migration:

We work with our clients to develop an implementation/migration strategy. Often starting with a pilot, but always managing for risk, we execute against this strategy to successfully build and/or transition the in-scope services to the offshore facility.

Continuous Improvement:

We proactively look for and identify improvement opportunities that strengthen and evolve your business, not only to bring additional value, but to proactively alleviate issues before they actually occur.